Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Flimflam, Thank You Ma'am!

An abandoned saloon in a Southern Arizona Ghost Town.  I imagine many fimflam artists sold their patent medicines at this very place.

Welcome to the age of flimflam!  

I am not merely referring to the current resident of the White House.  He is a symptom, but only a symptom of something far more dangerous that has taken hold in the Western world.  This change is reflected in the rise of demagogues and dictators in many Western societies.   It has brought an end to reasoned debate and polarized the masses into tribal armies throwing sloganized taunts at one another over social media and across the streets of our capital cities. 

Welcome to the age of flimflam.

It seems that we can no longer tolerate a thoughtful and reasoned discussion.  I am not sure why.  Perhaps many feel unequipped to engage others who speak with authority.  When they hear these voices challenging their instincts and beliefs, they lash out with a more basic weapon, anger and insults.  Perhaps they have a deep yearning to return to a yesterday that never was, believing that in doing so everything will be okay!  Perhaps they have become so weary of conflict that they just want people to get along so they can have some peace and quiet.  Perhaps…  Perhaps…  Perhaps… 

Welcome to the age of flimflam.

The dictionary defines flimflam as deceptive nonsense.  It is intended to deceive.  It does not care about being truthful.  It really does not care if it makes real sense.  Flimflam is not concerned with discovering the good, and the true, and the just.  It is more interested in impact and winning converts than truth-seeking.  Many flimflam artists believe that they already have the truth.  The question is not uncovering it but selling it.   How many people they can convince to buy their truth?

Marketing is no longer about sharing credible public information so that people can make an informed choice in the marketplace.  Public education is no longer about giving people the tools they need to weigh evidence and arrive at a reasoned conclusion.  Healthcare is no longer about helping people get and remain healthy.  Religion is no longer about helping people find meaning a purpose in their lives.  Economics is no longer about distributing wealth in a fair and equitable manner.  History is no longer about understanding the why and how of the present by exploring the past.  Journalism is no longer about giving the public the information they need to make informed decisions on behalf of the whole community.  Politics is no longer seeking to distribute power and influence across the board so that the governed are their own government.  Science is no longer about venturing into the unknown and exploring the boundaries of our understanding.   They have all become tools for flimflam.

The “we” of yesterday has become the “us-them” of flimflamery.  The common good has been replaced by the private interest.  The public square of tolerance where  diversity is celebrated has been replaced by a sacred refuge for the tribe where likeness of creed and thought are enforced.  The open borders of thought where new ideas are cultivated and shared have been walled-in to protect old ideas and ways of living.  The call to make a difference in the world has been silenced by shouts of “tree-hugger,” “do-gooder,” and “libtard.”  Civility and sensitivity to others has been brushed aside by those who shout “Political Correctness” at those with whom they disagree.   Quiet, calm discussions governed by respectful disagreement have yielded to a trading floor of ideas where truth is on the bargaining table to the highest bidder.  Diving in the deep currents of spiritual yearning has been replaced by wading in the shallow mud flats of self-serving religion, carefully crafted to ensure the survival of the institution.  These are the signs of how desperate our taste for flimflam has become.

How do we deal with flimflam?  It is actually fairly simple. 

Flimflam was a common element of the American West.  Snake oil salesmen would create Medicine Shows that provided entertainment to people of the American frontier.  These flimflammers would sell their concoctions to heal all the ills that troubled these folks.  The most common ingredients of these potions were opium, marijuana, cocaine, arsenic, heroin, morphine, essential oils, and flimflam.  They would undermine the people’s trust in the treatments provided by medicine.  They would make extravagant promises about the power of their cures.  All the while providing entertainment to the people.  They portrayed themselves as missionaries of mercy traveling the Western frontier with only one purpose, to make the people’s lives better. 

Welcome to the age of flimflam.

How do we deal with the modern flimflammers?  Don’t show up at their performances.  Don’t buy their medicine.  Stick to what you know to be true and honorable.  Rely on each other and yourselves not the flimflammer who rolls into town.  The flimflammer cannot survive being ignored or discredited.  This is a lesson that needs to be relearned in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Australia, South America, Central America, and North America. 

Welcome to the age of flimflam.  We have our work cut out for us.  Do not lose heart.  Greatness may never have been part of our history, but it can be part of our future. 

Make America Great Again!



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